NT$ 2,000.00
Nowadays, ocean environment is more polluted by many factors, such as marine plastics may provide few dissolved organic carbon sources for some bacteria to metabolize; this catch our attention and we have encouraged company wide eco-friendly innovation that offers added protection to water sports wears. We are proud to announce that we now offer neoprene products using PURiGUARD fabrics- an IST executive antibacterial neoprene series not only protects against bacteria but also shields divers.
- 3mm發泡橡膠材質,雙面尼龍布貼合
- 前片細鯊魚皮面,耐磨、彈性佳
- 領口及手腳光面皮包邊,減少水流進出,舒適保暖
- 後開拉鏈式 . 適合衝浪、滑水、浮潛等活動使用
- 可選擇的尺寸:XXS - XL
- 可選擇的顏色:藍(B)、粉紅(HP)、螢光黃(NY)